April 16, 2007

Continue to pray for Heather!

Heather's little cherubs...Easton, Emma Grace and Elijah

Hi y'all!
Please continue to lift up Heather and her sweet family to the throne of God's amazing grace and love! They truly need our prayers. Heather and her husband, Mark, have talked with the children and they have a brief understanding of what is going on. Their eldest daughter is really struggling with all of this, of course. They have all been through so much already with their little miracle, Emma Grace. Mark goes back to work this week, so please pray for Heather as she homeschools the kids and "holds it all together". Pray for these dear little ones as they soak in all of the circumstances surrounding their precious Mama right now. Heather has an appointment with her local Dr. tomorrow and she has an appointment at the Mayo Clinic on April 24th (a miracle in itself)...pray for wisdom for the Drs and strength for Heather and Mark as they walk this journey together. Also, you can click on the little "For Heather" button in my sidebar to see what cool things bloggers are doing to rally around this dear couple financially this week!! Thanks so much!

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