Our family has the privilege of sponsoring a sweet little boy, Syrus through Compassion International. Syrus lives in Uganda and it is such a joy to receive his wonderful letters...we are so blessed to be a small part of his life! We are BIG TIME fans of Compassion and believe wholeheartedly in the work they do in Jesus' name throughout the world.
Compassion has sooo many awesome resources and ways to be a part of helping children in need. You can donate online for your regular support or for Christmas or for your sponsor child's birthday...in April it will be Syrus' birthday so we are able to send an extra gift to celebrate his birthday! Since it's not possible to send packages, online donating makes it easy for everyone to make sure that your child has a very special celebration!
Another super cool thing is that you can write your sponsor child online...hello? Could they make it any easier for us?! They have lots of great resources, information and ways to get involved and be a part! So I'm trying to make it a point to write Syrus regularly to let him know we love him and are praying for him. What better way then to do a reminder post on here...maybe you could use a reminder too? It's TIME TO WRITE your child today!!
Or if you are not sponsoring a child yet...maybe this might just prompt you to pray and consider if God would have you become a part of a child's life through Compassion by reading my posts??! :D Whaddya think? Ready to be a sponsor YET?!!
**This is a gripping video clip that was posted by Emily @ Soli Deo Gloria. It needs no explanation. There are no words for this.
wow... and we think we have experience hunger? this was quite the eye opener. Glad to know that the kids were able to be helped.
That ANY child has to live like this just breaks my heart in a million pieces. This is such a powerful video. It really puts things into perspective.
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