Today I'm so Thankful for ~ a Sundry List! :D
Well, since my mind is in NO way organized...this list today reflects me perfectly! I have no one particular thing that stands out in my thoughts today but rather an assortment of blessings. So here goes...
- I am so thankful for the Dr. that God brought along to us to make Chloe's new leg. He has tirelessly researched better options for her, to give her better function with her leg. He has us come over his house after putting in a long day at work, to try something new with Chloe and to see how it works. He gives our kids ice cream and lets them play on his backyard swing set. This man is so gracious and so kind...such a wonderful picture of Jesus, caring for His children! I am so thankful for this man...we are all thankful for him!
- I am so thankful for the opportunities my children have to participate in church programs...for the blessing of Sunday School and Awanas. They have the sweetest teachers with such fervent desires to show my kids "Jesus" and to have them come to know Him at such a young age.
- I am so thankful for a husband who is a man of integrity, strength and honor. He gets up and goes to work every morning without complaining and kisses me goodbye. He works diligently and with all his heart so that I can be a stay-at-home mom to my children. He does the right thing when no one is looking simply because he is obedient to the Spirit. He has compassion on his co workers and respect for his boss whether he "deserves" it or not. He loves me and his children with a passion and leads us in the right way...no, he's not perfect but his heart is good and loving...and I love him so!
- I am so thankful for the opportunity to learn contentment. My parents have graciously and generously opened their home to the 4 of us and allowed us to live with them while we begin our lives "anew". I am thankful that we are slowly learning to humbly accept this gift as God's provision for our foursome for this season. These circumstances might not be "ideal" and yes, sometimes it is difficult for 2 families to live together and despite the fact that other people may not understand it or agree with it...it really doesn't matter. As God's children, we receive this blessing and pray that we may return the blessing to others in the future. I hold on to this verse ~ Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
- I am so thankful for the opportunity to take this Web Design class. It's awesome that my community college offerred it, the timing was perfect and I was able to qualify for a grant to help with the tuition. I am thoroughly enjoying every minute and I am so eager to see how God uses it in my good and hopefilled future.
- I am so thankful for the book I am reading now...Grace-Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel. Wow, God has blessed this man with such deep insights that are so encouraging to me right now. When I'm banging my head against the wall and feeling like a complete failure in this blessed and challenging journey called Parenting...God is using this book to remind me once again that it is NOT about me! My heavenly Father has chosen Joel and I for our kids and our kids for us...we're not EVER going to be perfect and either are they, however, this journey can be delightfully gracefilled or discouragingly painfilled. It's a matter of Who is our Source and our Focus. Praise God that He is the most perfect parent ever and He lives IN us!! Halleluiah! :D
So this is my assortment of blessings today...my heart is filled with thanksgiving--sometimes it comes easily and other times it is a choice of will. My Mama always told me to look back over your life if you're having trouble being thankful and find all the times and ways God was faithful...that will fill your heart with thankfulness! And if you're REALLY struggling to be thankful today...just watch the movie, "The Pursuit of Happyness"...if that don't make ya fall on your face and thank the Lord for your many blessings...then SOMETHIN' is wrong!! :-)
Very nice list, enjoyed it.
What a beautiful thankful list, Kari.
Contentment is beautiful think to learn. It took me some years, and still learning it :)
Blessings to you and yours this Easter weekend.
As always, very thoughtful and thankful! I love your Thankful Thursdays!!
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