September 18, 2006


what ELSE can happen??? Just don't do's not a good idea, take it from us! This past Friday night was interesting for our family. You know...we have nothing else going on and live such a boring life! Ha! Alex was working in the garage with my dad and he was sweeping the floor. He is such a GOOD helper! Well, somehow a big thick board fell over and hit Alex right on the head. Yep, gashed it wide he and my dad rush upstairs both of them crying...and we take another trip to the ER. When I was checking Alex in the lady asked me if he had ever been there before...I answered, Yes, it was his THIRD visit. :) Alex is only FIVE I thought, how can this be possible?? Praise the Lord, he did not have a concussion...just a bad gash. The Dr used 5 staples to put him back together again, a bit "humpty-dumpty-ish" eh?! :) So all is well again in our house...2 weeks and we'll have to get the staples taken out. In the meantime, Alex is back to himself and seems to be quite proud of his "war wound". THANK YOU for praying, those of you who got the frantic prayer request email from my poor mom! :)


Erin Rebecca said...

ouch, that is a big one Alex!

Loving Life said...

Aww man!!!I'm so sorry Alex!!!
I've NEVER had to deal with gushing wounds. I feel SO BAD FOR YOU DAD TOO! If he's anything like my dad, he was feeling so incredibly horrible and probably responsibe- even if he had nothing to do with it! I've learned that when God stretches us, he does a thorough job! :) Keep on being strong Sista!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your doing betting Alex =Þ

Anonymous said...

you are ALL boy, Lexi! What are we gonna do with you??
I'm glad you are OK!
Love you

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